Hey everypony. We’ve got a very exciting announcement to make today. It involves something that a lot of you have been asking us about recently, and we’re so happy to finally have an answer.
Vendor registration for Everfree Northwest 2014 is officially open!
That’s right, after months of planning we are finally ready to begin taking applicants for vendors at this year’s EFNW. Vendors are very important to us. What would a con be without its merch hall? So, if you want to sell your pony goods at EFNW 2014, fill out the vendor application form.
If you are selected as a vendor, the price with be: $75 for a half table + 1 badge, $100 for a full table + 1 badge, $175 for 1.5 table + 2 badges, and $200 for 2 tables + 2 badges. All applications must be completed by February 20th, 2014, and spots are limited, so if you want to sell your merch at Everfree this year, hop to it! We’re very excited to see what this year’s batch of vendors will bring; see you at the con!
Be sure to keep up to date on all of our latest announcements and bits of news on our website, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.