Everfree Northwest is very happy to announce that Silver Games LLC, the creators of the PonyFinder campaign setting that allows you to create your own equine hero (among other races) for tabletop RPG adventure, will be joining us at this year’s convention!
You will be able to find these paragons of pony tabletop gaming at the Gaming Colts table in our vendor hall. Be sure to sign up for a slot in one of the tabletop gaming sessions of PonyFinder that Silver Games LLC will be running in the EFNW tabletop gaming room throughout the convention. If you enjoy tabletop RPGs or are even just curious about them, then don’t miss out!
Not only that, get a taste of PonyFinder by joining David Silver, creator of PonyFinder, as he leads a group of Everfree Northwest staffers, including convention chair Royal Coat, through a one-shot adventure as the Dungeon Master. Join us tomorrow, Thursday June 19th, at 7pm Pacific on the EFNW Presents livestream channel! Witness the epic quest as a group of adventuresome ponies (and maybe a Griffon or two) attack the darkness and beat up monsters to take their stuff.
If that’s not enough PonyFinder livestreaming goodness for you, then be sure to join us again this Sunday June 22nd at 7:30 pm Pacific for Everfree Northwest Presents where our hosts will interview David Silver and Big K! Join us on our EFNW Presents livestream channel or on Fillydelphia Radio and don’t forget to join the livestream chat where we may just answer your questions!
And there’s more! The PonyFinder team will be hosting a public display on Sunday at EFNW where they will showcase Ponyfinder by running 4-6 people through the Tower of Misery with pre-generated characters in front of a live audience. Come see these heroes use wit and tactical thinking to put right to wrong. Don’t miss out on this fantastic panel!
If all this pony tabletop RPG goodness has you throwing money at the screen and asking Silver Games LLC to be quiet and take your money, then be sure to stop by their latest PonyFinder Kickstarter! PonyFinder is working on a new Pathfinder expansion, Griffons of Everglow Campaign Setting, which will do for Griffons what PonyFinder did for ponies. Don’t miss out on funding this awesome project!
Don’t forget to keep up to date on all the latest EFNW news by visiting our website, liking us on Facebook, and following us on Twitter and tumblr.