Who’s the next Everfree NW 2016 guest? Well “Pinkie Pie Knows” it’s G.M. Berrow!
Front Page’s daughter Novella can hardly contain her excitement! Her favorite author, G.M. Berrow, will be joining us at Everfree Northwest 2016! Ms. Berrow is the brilliant author behind the MLP:FiM chapter books, AND her first episode of the show, “The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows” premiered this morning! We are thrilled to be able to help celebrate her episode debut with this awesome news!
G.M. Berrow’s first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, “The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows”, took her talent for writing about ponies and brought it to life on the screen. She is also the author of thirteen (and counting!) official My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic chapter books such as: Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity, Discord and the Ponyville Players Dramarama, Fluttershy and the Fine Furry Friends Fair, and the Daring Do Adventure Collection. Her next book, Princess Luna and the Festival of the Winter Moon, is available on Nov. 3rd, 2015. Before MLP, Berrow wrote for several other popular Children’s and YA book series, and has worked in production on shows such as “Blue Peter”, “Law & Order: SVU”, and “The Good Wife”. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, but you can find her on twitter at @gmberrow. Also, you can totally call her “Gillian” if you want.Remember, registration is still open at www.everfreenw.com, so come see G.M. Berrow, Peter New, Michelle Creber, Gabriel Brown, and many more to come on May 13 -15, 2016 at the DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport! And for more awesome updates, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, DeviantArt, FiMFiction, and the MLP Forums.