Everfree Northwest?
Everfree Northwest is a 3-day all-ages convention for fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic set in beautiful Seattle, Washington. With special guests from the show, musical concerts, vendors, 24-hour activity rooms, and over 50 hours of events programming, Everfree Northwest has something for everypony!
Everfree Northwest is a family-friendly event. With an arts and crafts room open during the whole convention, a programming track tailored especially for kids, and free passes for kids 12 and under, Everfree Northwest is a 3-day event perfect for both the young and the young-at-heart.
Celebrate friendship in 2016
- Over 50 hours of panel programming
- Over 10 hours of musical content featuring musicians from the fan community
- Over 70 vendors selling artwork, handmade crafts, and more
- Ongoing activity rooms like Arts & Crafts and 24-hour table-top and electronic gaming rooms
- Dozens of special guests, such as writers and voice actors who help to bring Friendship is Magic to life
Cobalt, Jouva, EvilZombieMinion, Pretty Princess, sXiR4MeRiZ, Trautriewesit, Brendon, SilverHeart, Lord Business, Mayhew Cullen, Wasteland Crusader Jeckard Cain, Dargon Darkfire, KT, Spike Firemane, Kitty, Skyfire, Magnusson, SR Foxley, Angel, Bright Star, GigaByte, Starlight Glimmer, Action Sack, goldheart, cursedchords, YAMMA, AniMangaBrony27, STORMSHI3LD, Nard_Dawg, 0redbear0, Drunk Cyborg, Mal, Exogenous, Princess Bronicorn, Janet, Mike, Victoria Merryfield, Kazu Meko, Snails, Pearl Stitch, Feathershine, Free Fall, Alisa Nuotio, Chillenium, Lavender Paws, Scootaluna, Connorcpu, irishwaffle, Promethium, TrebleBase, Bryson Jaipean, Adam, Corwin Haught, FoxesKarma, Flim, The Dude, spudyank, ErrorStream, Songbird, Mizurin, Commissar Derpy, Setting Redsun, Skyborn, Shutter Button, Chapien, Daniel Mangu, BrightOrangeMango, Corporal Llama, Scott, Flam, Patty Cabaniss, RattPitt, Agent Marzipan, Inky Chip, Sarah Parris, Picture Perfect Pony, Jedi Stu-Art, Noelle, Silver Chisel, Bella Sketch, Snoopy8009, Moonstone, Karina Pacheco-Markowski, Stormy Dash, Ruballine Rose, The Great and Powerful Bass Cannon, Charlie D, Blazefire, Glory78, Foals Errand, Captain Drog, Team Pinkie, AlicornAscension, Codex Writer, SilkenSapphire, Mistyskies, Wiriamuzu, Scott McLain, SythMidnight, Heidi Gregory, Joshua, Cheese Sandwich, Jedi Master Moy, Erin, Goji, Josh Markowski, Rosebud, Autumn Flutter, H2p0ny, bowtiepony, Darallex, Jason, Foals Half, TipsyMoon, Zeo, MrEmerald34, Storm Runner, EiyseWulf, Lymmy, Russian Ghost, Midnight Dust, Dat Tax Pony, TheBronyMan602, Shelvacu, Daughter of the Moon, Randomdude678, Mr. Slade, Katnanda, Sanctus Vetare, Floppsie Pop, Hydra Slayer, Tyler Opp, Grand Moff Pony, Jet Setter, D'Archangel, Alicorn Lyra, Maximus Walton, Sam, Lord Starfall, Scootareader, Solar Skies, Antimatter48, Rey "Mr. Lucky" Ace, 1stChosenStar, Anvil, Mr. K, The Universe Traveler, FishKepr, Princess Celestia, Whispy, ShadowMoon, Cerebral Interface, SkitterBeat, Curtis, Q0 - BerryTube, Lemielan, snake8head, (Turquoise-Kitteh), Princess Cadance, Nitevision, Earthstar, Brony4life / Dashie 1982, Jeffrey Hubbard, DeadParrot222, Gunther Ridel, Dustin Korns, Crispy, Diamond Eyes, HalfStepTwinBrother, Mono, Jessica Krenning, bionictigershark, ThorGoLucky, Gamer_KM, AltTab, Slasher0001, Zeckal, Uber565, 20% Cooler Dad, Jared King, Blue Whirlpool, Spectacles AK, Flames5123, Voltiply, Steven Kamai, Evan Anderson, TheMistfitPony, Bubba Pett, Fallout Brony Six, Fire Lily, NexAngelus405, Frame-Work, Side Note, Ura, Snaggle Quarter, Alpha Blitz, Oktober Blitz, Delta Sierra, Octavia368, Pitter Paws, Yoshi Greenwater, Joyful, Captain Rhubarb, Jonathan Sokol, roberto escobedo, Gisela Escobedo