Big Announcement! It’s the one some of you have all been waiting for, and why not on a day that you have bits on the brain? THAT’S RIGHT, VENDOR APPLICATIONS ARE OFFICIALLY OPEN! GO TO HTTPS://EVERFREENW.COM/VENDORS BEFORE THEY CLOSE (which we’ll remind you about if you forget) IN JANUARY! SO IF YOU ARE SOMEONE INTERESTED IN VENDING AT OUR FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION, THEN PUT YOUR NAME IN THE HAT AND WE WILL…oh right, just kidding, it isn’t random, we do perform a portfolio review, so best of luck to all applicants!

If you want a specific vendor to come to Everfree NW 2016, now is the time to let the know that the applications are open at so they have a chance to be considered for our luxurious vendor hall at the SeaTac DoubleTree at Hilton!

Not one for selling, but rather buying? Well register on and try to catch the Early Bird Discount before prices go up! They make great holiday gifts!
Check out more fun stuff and news on our website And of course keep up to date with the latest from Everfree NW by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Reddit!

Art by JohansRobot.